Well, it’s been a while. After repetitive stress injuries forced me to give up knitting one more time, I got busy with non-knitting stuff and before I knew it I had stopped blogging. The past two years have included a very low-key wedding, a six-months stay in Italy, a family saga straddling four countries and two continents, a bureaucratic odyssey, another couple of curveballs, and now, finally, I am knitting again. The truth is, I can never stay away for too long. I may stop reading the blogs, looking at Ravelry, buying yarn, but sooner or later my hands feel better and I find myself opening my boxes of yarn, looking at color cards, and logging into Ravelry to check the new patterns and projects added during my absence. I am not sure that I want to get back to blogging on a regular basis, but I wanted to say Hi and Thank you to those of you who got in touch when I was in hiding. It’s good to be knitting again. What’s on my needles? A little scarf that I hope to finish in a couple
of weeks. Until then, happy knitting to all of you out there holding needles.